
Showing posts from August, 2021

Spices in the bible

Ciokkomistico · 20210805 172327 1 The spices of the Bible There are several spices mentioned in the Bible, although there are some significant absences. Laurel, dill, garbanzo, cinnamon, caper, coriander, cumin, is, rue and penalty are named. and scholars agree that anise, cardamom, turmeric, wild fennel, fenugreek, lavender, lemon balm, mint, oregano, parsley, salvia , were also commonly used. savoury, sesame, sumac, thyme and saffron " Unfortunately no oriental spices such as pepper arrived in the Mediterranean a century later and ginger" The smell of wealth Why did spices once matter so much and the powerful wanted to secure a monopoly? it is easy to say: in addition to the ability to embellish and give flavour to dishes, spices were used to preserve food. useful for the flavours but no longer necessary for other purposes Secondly, the possibility of cooking any food at any time of the year has been acquired with the pros and cons of the case obviously.  Thanks for readi...